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hkm wheel load scales
  • weighing aircraft or air sport equipment
  • weight checking
  • determining the centre of gravity

we offerfactory calibrationsfor our products as an additional service in which we check compliance with the specified tolerances and make adjustments if necessary. the results are documented in a calibration certificate. the standards used for the reference measurements are based on national standards. regularly conducted factory calibrations ensure the reliability of your measurements.

portable wheel load scales rw 1.0

our smallest wheel load scales are used mainly for weighing cars and motorcycles. they are available for nominal loads from 100 kg to 500 kg.

in conjunction with a hand terminal, up to four scales can be combined. the terminal displays readings of the individual wheel loads, the axle loads, and the total weight of the vehicle. optionally, the readings can be sent to a printer and a hardcopy printed.燗lternatively, we can supply you with our wheel-load-scale software for evaluating readings on a pc.

the light, low-height scales are easy to transport and can be used on any level, firm floor.

weighing passenger cars
weighing motorcycles

product information rw 1.0 as pdf-file

portable wheel load scales rwa 8.1.0 verifiable

these verifiable wheel load scales are specially designed for quick, precise weighing of vehicles and trailers in mobile use. each scale is equipped with a display and operation module and is powered by rechargeable batteries. the individual scales are designed for wheel loads up to 500 kg, 1000 kg, 2000 kg and 8000 kg. the scales can be used to carry out weighing operations in commercial and official use.

the scales are easily transported and can be set up on any suitably firm and level subsurface.

weighing operations and load checks
determination of the load distribution
setting up suspension/running gear
vehicle approvals for new and modified models

product information rwa 8.1.0 e as pdf-file

portable wheel load scales rw 8.1

our rw 8.1 wheel load scales are used for precise weighing of private cars, heavy goods vehicles, caravans, trailers and other single and multiple-axle vehicles. the individual scales are suitable for wheel loads of 1000 kg, 2000 kg and 8000 kg.

up to four scales can be combined with one another. the measured values of the individual wheel loads, the axle loads, or the total weight of the vehicle are displayed on the external hand terminal. optionally, the measured values can be outputted via a printer or爐hey can be analysed on a pc using wheel-load-scale software.

the scales are easily transported and can be set up on any level, firm subsurface.

weighings in the agricultural sector
private car weighing
hgv weight checks
determination of support loads of cranes

product information rw 8.1 as pdf-file

portable wheel load scales rw 9.1

type 9.1 wheel load scales are designed for weighing heavy vehicles with large wheels. the effective weighing surface is 600 mm x 400 mm. the scale is, therefore, big enough for trucks with twin wheels to drive on without difficulty. each wheel load scale can withstand a load of 10,000 kg.

in conjunction with a hand terminal, up to four scales can be combined. the terminal displays readings of the individual wheel loads, the axle loads, and the total weight of the vehicle. optionally, the readings can be sent to a printer and a hardcopy printed.
alternatively, we can supply you with wheel-load-scale software with which readings from up to 20 weighing platforms can be evaluated on a pc.

these scales are also suitable for mobile use. the integral rollers and the hand grip make it easy for you to align weighing platforms to the wheel sets. the scales can be used on any level, firm floor.

weighing trucks, heavy-load and special vehicles
load weighing and load distribution for haulage contractors
for weighing in agricultural applications

product information rw 9.1 as pdf-file

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  • 地址:苏州 苏州工业园区唯华路2号和泰都市生活广场1幢1145室
  • 邮编:215000
  • 电话:051262880766
  • 联系人:陈云飞
  • 手机:13862282399
  • Email:purchase@otogroup.com.cn